Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Vintage Finds

I love buttons! I might have mentioned that before, but I truly do! So I was stoked to get a huge ice cream tub full for only $3.00!I also love acorns, something you don't get many of here in Australia (unless you live a long ways south and happen to have an oak tree nearby). So when I found this cut glass acorn dish for $1.00 I was very happy! Actually, I think it's an ash tray but I prefer it as a dish.I also found some gorgeous quilting fabrics on sale at Spotlight the other week, which I just love! I mean, hello! Toadstools!!!Neatly stored all together they screamed out for a little photo session.So with camera in hand, I did indeed enjoy sorting through my little stash of buttons for a while!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ahh Sunday...

Where would we be without a day to laze around and do nothing in particular..?

Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Favorites

I heart kitty chins!!

hehe, Firefox...windows...get it?

How to draw a Panda!? Too easy!

I don't think I ever did eat glue. Did you?

An Owl wearing glasses! Classic!!

I want this chicken coop for my new chickens! (Whom I must introduce to you all soon)
Have a happy Friday!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

It's a Girl!!

Congratulations to my big brother and his wonderful partner on the birth of a beautiful baby girl!Liesel Grace.
Born at 4:15am, weighing 3.8kgs, 51cms long, and with the most gorgeous head of dark hair!I am such a lucky duck to be an Aunty to two wonderful nieces!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


I must admit I'm guilty of this! Mostly before the reduction, but I still find myself doing it!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Friday Favorites

Ahh, I love tasteful funny graffiti!

Tibetan Fox! Seriously, these animals exist!!

I totally need this for my new niece/nephew when they arrive!

Just adorable!!

Anyone remember that game, how many marshmallows can you fit in your mouth and still say a tongue twister? Maybe it started with chipmunks!

Simply gorgeous!! God be with our troops, keep them safe!

I love my bearded dragons but this would be awesome!!!! Where can I get one?

Typical. Leila does this all the time when I'm on the laptop.

All pictures from Pinterest. My new favourite website!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Long Weekend!

Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend thanks to the Queen's Birthday celebrations!(Even though it's not her actual birthday, we celebrate it this time every year in most of Australia with a public holiday.)And we just love public holidays!! More time to spend with family and friends. Isn't that right Queen Pepsi?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Show Time 2!!

As promised, my favourite Quilts from yesterday's show. Don't forget to click on the pictures to enlarge them!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Show Time!!

The annual Rocky Show is on again! I made sure this time to take heaps of pictures so I could share them with you!!! These are my favourites (click on pictures to see them bigger, it's so worth it!)...
Australian Folk Art -Stump Work and Quilling -China painting (my favourite!!!) -Castaway Art (Under 18 Competition) -Flower Arranging -Cake Decorating -Sewing -And I'll show you the Quilts tomorrow!!