There's still 20, but I'm expecting to lose quite a few of them because they're not eating.

So I don't get really upset if I love 10 or more, I'm just going to hope that at least one survives.

Although it's sad, it's just how lizard babies work. Some thrive and some just don't.

They're still ridiculously cute though.
They certainly are cute with a capital C
Manda, what's happened? Today's post not showing up, hope you get this!
Good timing though, have you got any black polymer clay? Want to have a go at these? I'll pay you, or do a swapsie??
I'm obsessed with all things moustache at the moment! (Hate the real things myself though!)
aw they are so cute!! I really wish I could have some as pets! Its sad that some wont make it though, but I suppose its how nature works :( xx
Loved the photo on todays appeared in bloglines...but not on your blog Manda...
I would just want to play with them all day....
Sad that you will lose a few tho'
Having the same problem with todays post. Saw the cutie in bloglines, but can't open post.
The babies are fascinating!
I hope more than one survives!! They'
re too cute!
aw, I hope they make it. I had 60 baby julioshromis die due to a faulty filter and cried for 2 hours. (of course, they would have brought be about 500 bucks theres that!)
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