Monday, April 29, 2013

Owl Cushion - free embroidery

I've recently finished sewing up an owl cushion, my own embroidery, and thought I'd offer it up as a free pattern. Perfect for Mother's Day if your Mum loves owls like mine does!
The making -
 The free owl embroidery -
If you use the pattern let me know. I'd love to see your take on it!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Meet the Shinglebacks

I've always wanted some, and am now the proud owner of four beautiful shingleback skinks!
Meet Cadbury and Coco -
Caramello and Cuddles -
They are absolute darlings and have settled in perfectly. Welcome to the family babies, I'm so happy to be your new Mum!

Monday, April 1, 2013

March in Instagram

Last month I didn't get up to much, but there were a few highlights I can share.

Scored majorly at the op-shops!
Went on a 4WD adventure around our area.
Bought some new lizards!
Enjoyed the benefits of all the rain we had in February.
Hung out with my beautiful animals.
Bought some stuff from my favourite store, Typo.
Got a bad cold. Which is why I didn't do too much this month.
Here's to April being a lot better than March!