Thursday, January 8, 2009


Last week (it doesn't feel that long ago!) I finished up a little elephant who's been sitting around begging to be stitched and stuffed. So without further ado, may I introduce Elly the Elephant!
I downloaded the pattern from the craftster website.During the construction I made a few creative changes, but all in all I think she turned out quite well. She's now made good friends with my two felt kitties, and is quite at home on my bedside table.
On the same day I finished her, Elizabeth from Creative Breathing posted her "E is for Elephant" post!What do you think? Oh, and thankyou so much to everyone who's left a comment on my blog so far! I've just loved reading them!


  1. imbli"Elly" is so cute. I thnk she will do great with the kitties. Have fun and have a blessed day!!

  2. She's so cute! And she's my favourite colour too.

  3. how gorgeous. Its pink and its an elephant,you cant go wrong.

  4. Oh these are so cuuute! Your kittens in an earlier post are adorable. You are so creative. Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi. I love meeting new people.

  5. I make those elephants too!! They're so cute, I call them Lucky Stampy's!
    Yours is gorgeous :)


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