Sunday, January 4, 2009

felt kitties

Hi guys, hope your new year is going to plan. Or at least has been good fun so far!I've been meaning to show these for at least a week now and since nothing has really been happening around here (being so HOT no one wants to do anything) it seemed like the perfect time.

I made these felt kitties from a pattern found here -

I've only made a brown and white one so far, but plan to create one in every kitty colour there is! What do you think?


  1. wow you have been sooo busy! I LOVE these kitties and your stitching too is fab!! and the tea towel cushion, what a cool idea!! No I haven't seen a Tassie Tiger! I would love to say I have but I'm sure they are gone which is very tragic. I have only seen stuffed ones in the Museum!!!!

  2. cute cute cute! I'll have to check out that pattern.......the elly-phant too!


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