Sunday, February 8, 2009

Elizabeth's Bluebird

Elizabeth received her little surprise package in the mail, so now I can show off what I sent to her. Yay!Elizabeth from Creative Breathing has been so generous and kind to me. I wanted to let her know just how much I appreciate and love reading her stories, so I made this little guy, just for her -I know how much she loves blue, so what could be better than a little bluebird?!He wears a top-hat in celebration of Fred Astaire and the Bobwhites' film festivals, and his eyes came from a poor-baby store.I'm glad you like him Elizabeth. Keep writing your stories and inspire others as you have inspired me!


  1. Oh Manda...he's adorable!
    Absolutely adorable!
    I love his little top hat.
    Great job you lovely girl :c)
    Robyn xx

  2. Now you've got me in tears! I am posting my little bird today! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! E


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