Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Tree of Life Quilt... a brodery perse quilt. This is a style of applique that was popular in 19th century America and was inspired by the Italian gardens with serpentine flower beds cut into large expanses of lawn. Similarly, brodery perse quilts use small groups of individually cut out chintz flowers which are appliquéed to a whole cloth background. - Jane A SassamanLove it? You can make it!! Go here to get started!


  1. oooh! that's FANTASTIC! thanks for the link. :)

  2. wow - those colours are amazing!

  3. That is beautiful!

    And catching up on your blog here .. your kitty rides in the car! Oh wow ... mine would be attached to the ceiling with all four feet shaking harder than the engine. Needless to say, she has to stay safely stowed in her carrier for car trips. What a brave kitty you have there!

    Thanks so much for weighing in my Valentine's Day post. I had never even heard of "A Walk to Remember", but it sounds like one not to be missed. It is now added to my Netflix queue. Thank you!!

  4. just beautiful.

    I can't find out how to email you so have to leave it secret word the other day on someone's blog was panties for a man! I immediately thought of YOU
    b/c you always get funny ones! LOL!


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