Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Of course, you know the shops are closed during the Easter break. Big bummer, as now I can't finish off my Easter Bunny! I need a pink puff ball for his tail before I can sew his bottom on and stuff him.Oh well, he doesn't seem to mind too much! I'll be changing his "ribbon" too, once I get the right colour.
Have a Happy and Inspired Easter, and don't forget the true meaning behind the holiday!


  1. It felt like everything was open to me,, or maybe just the shops I use. Bunnings was definately thriving.
    Happy Easter

  2. Wishing you a safe and happy Easter too! :) That little bunny is SO cute!

  3. Love all your Easter goodies .

  4. bunny is a doll!

    Happy Easter to you, too!


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