Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mum's Day

For some extremely odd reason, our camera broke!! It simply wont work. It must be just too old. Oh well, time for a new one! This does mean that I can't show you any pictures for awhile! At least not of what I've bought or made recently. So instead of showing you what Mum got for Mother's Day, or the final finished chair backing embroidery, here's a few pictures to make you smile, found from around the www!


...No matter what kind of Mother you are!


  1. What wonderful photos for Mother's Day. Hello to you Amanda! You have caught me writing a post for two days from now! Everyone in America is asleep! Tomorrow's post will be different. So funny! Have a great day! Elizabeth

  2. Thank you for sharing those amazing photos! My favorite is the otter mommy holding her kit! SO CUTE!

  3. Such a sweet idea for a mothers day post! I love the photos.
    Those rose bud earrings you won are beautiful :)


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