Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Craft Show and Tell

I have heaps to show you, but I can't because I don't have the camera for another 3 days. I couldn't show you some of the things I've been making anyway, because they're a surprise for Sarah and Linda! And I can't show you the FANTASTIC package I got from Jessy, because as I said, I don't have my camera *cries*
I could show you some of the items from the craft section of a recent carnival aka show, how about that? Yes? Alright then, here you go -

Embroidered Cushion - 3rd prize in it's category
Redwork - 1st prize!
Redwork - 2nd prize!


  1. sweet! i love the last photo especially...

  2. Oh they are all lovely Amanda! I must get something made for the local show here in afedw months - last year I won a 1st and 3rd!!
    x Sarah

  3. Thanks for popping by and giving me some great advice for my Silver Necklace i am looking for, i dont actually know what a Katydid is! So i am off to find out :-) Have a good day!

  4. Katydids are heaps cool! Thanks for letting me know about them...I love that pink one.

    My blog name is from the book i am named after "What Katy Did" I didn't know there were Katydids too!


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