Monday, October 19, 2009

Fires 2

If you live in Australia, I guess you've seen the news. Our suburb was called to evacuate once on Saturday and again on Sunday. We know they were talking to those whose houses line up next to the mountain and surrounding bushland, so the whole street simply watered down their roofs and gardens and lawns. The smoke was simply dreadful! We got all the animals inside and sat around listening to the radio.
The fire is now heading toward Norman Gardens and Frenchville areas and away from us, but the smoke is still everywhere and with the weather being so dry and the wind changes, you never know what could happen. Luckily, only one house has been destroyed so far. Our firefighters have now been given a reprieve (about time!) from those flown in to help. It was simply terrifying to see the fires of a night! Here's some photos I took -

The smoke.One of the many crop dusters and helicopters dropping water.The sun turned red!The view of the fire coming toward us from up the street.The fires on Saturday night.The orange glow.The smoke again on Sunday.Be assured that we are ok, but please keep praying for the firemen and all the people whose houses are in the fire front!


  1. o.0 really hoping thee firefighters are all safe and keep being safe. scary to see the fire in the photos

  2. Oh yes I saw it on the news..Stay safe blogging buddy!

  3. Wow, you took some incredible shots. I am surprised it's not being covered on the news as much as it should be. Hope you and the animals are ok.

  4. oh wow! Stay safe, I hope it ends soon.

  5. What wonderful but frightening photos ! Take care , thinking of you .

  6. Prayers for all who are in & around these fires pray that everyone stays safe
    Hugs Janice

  7. Scary photos... We live in rural Qld on acreage and I know how scary these bush fires can be.. they are so fast.. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Keep safe xx

  8. will keep you in my prayers....

  9. How scary...
    I know after Black Saturday I could'nt wait for winter to come here to our Bush Home!
    Stay Safe.
    God Bless our fireys


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