Tuesday, November 10, 2009

to brooch the subject

I love my button brooches, don't you? I've recently been getting into my button stash and putting some unusual designs together. Have any of you guys made one yet? I'd love to see what you can come up with!
I've also finished kitten block number seven! It took ages because of all the lines of wool, but it's finally done and I just love it! You can't see it properly but his eyes are actually green, he's got the most adorable pink nose and white whiskers!


  1. oooh i love the stitchery. But then i love cats. :). Brooches are cute. Hugs, Jeanette

  2. I love your brooches too!
    And when I wear mine everyone comments...
    Your Kitty stitchery is fantastic!

  3. What pretty brooches and a cute kitty .

  4. Your such a creative little munchkin!!! x

  5. so cute! I love the buttons AND the kitten :-)
    I did a kitty pillow but admit, I cheated and did not embroider the design as planned...

  6. What a great job you did with the kitten embroidery! I love it!

  7. The stitchery is gorgeous... such beautiful work. Love the brooches too - you are very clever :)


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