Saturday, February 20, 2010

Drumroll Please...

We have our winners!! With thanks to -

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

29 41 3 

Timestamp: 2010-02-20 08:31:57 UTC

Number 29 and first prize goes to Debbie of Debbie in Nashville! Deb, you've won prize number 1 - the Queen of Hearts bracelet with matching matchbox! Congratulations! I hope you'll enjoy wearing it!

Number 41 and second prize goes to Sarah of Sarah's Prim Treasures. Sarah, I'm going to have to ban you from entering my giveaways! This is the second time you've won in a row! You've won prize number 2 - the felt bead brooch! I hope you'll like it!

Number 3 and third prize (funny huh?) goes to Christine of McDonald's Patch. Christine, you've won prize number 3 - The basket full of hearts notebook! I hope you'll use it until it's falling to bits!

Ladies, please let me know your address, along with which felt heart you'd like from my valentines tree. I will go search out your winning comment in my e-mails and let you know you've won!!
I hope all three of you will enjoy your prizes!!
Thank you to all who entered, you have truly made my heart glad with such beautiful comments!
There may just be an Easter giveaway in the future, so stay tuned!


  1. Congrats to all the very lucky winners , great prizes !

  2. Oh, you cant ban me LOL
    Thanks Manda for a great Giveaway!
    x Sarah

  3. How lucky am I to be one of your winners. Thank you for the great giveaway Manda. Regards, Christine.

  4. Oh, I feel so lucky! Thank you so much and congrats to the other winners too!

  5. Another awesome giveaway Ms Panda!
    Congrats to the lucky winners ,They will love your goodies:)

  6. Amanda! Have you ever seen in Australia an entire flock of parakeets? A photo is posted on It's a Cherry World (on my sidebar) that I found just amazing! Imagine how beautiful they would be! Have a great week ahead! Elizabeth


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