Friday, May 7, 2010

Snappy Friends Weekly Challenge

Well I haven't been doing much on the crafting front besides making owl pins, and some other pins that I shall reveal soon...
But I did manage to find something green for the Snappy Friends Weekly Challenge -Firstly a green fruit fly I captured this afternoon on a green frangipani leaf.Second a green tree frog I found hiding near our green water tank.

I'm very tempted to show you a picture of Nyoka the green tree python, but she's still a baby and hasn't turned green yet. She's still yellow, with green creeping through that gives her a real moldy look. Nyoka belongs to a friend of mine.


  1. Love your green critters! Very nice!

  2. Great shot of the fruit fly, Amanda. Cheers, Christine

  3. oooooo, I love those critters....especially the frog!


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