Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Tuesday Treasure

A very quick post this week, as I have a hair appointment in half an hour. More from Nature's Treasure Trove, my collection of snake skins! (don't freak out, they can't hurt you!)
Click on picture to enlarge!
Jar number one on the left contains a whole skin from my friend Justin's black headed python, Sprocket. Jar two contains a whole skin, including intact head, of an eastern brown snake which my Dad brought home from work for me. Jar number three contains 2 almost whole skins from another two of Justin's snakes, Pebbles and Rocky the spotted pythons. Jar number four contains a heap of other skins from Justin, which are from Sprocket, Rocky, Pebbles, Nyoka and Trousa. Jar number 5, the small one in front, contains remnants of skins I have discovered around the place, from the backyard to the botanical gardens to my church.
If you'd like to see pictures of the actual snakes (Nyoka the Green Tree Python is the cutest little thing!) let me know along with an email address and I'll send you a picture or two.


  1. OMG you do love nature don't you! I'm petrified of snakes, I don't even think I could bring myself to even touching a skin. I'm perfectly fine with all other creapy crawlies including lizards but snakes freak me out!

  2. My sons' python shed last night I should have kept the skin for you .
    Thanks for playing along and I hope you get a good pampering at the hairdressers .

  3. I always find it amazing that snakes shed their skins in one piece... remarkable... Nyoka is the word we used in Africa for snake(but I expect you knew that)

  4. OK...Manda...Snake Lady.....LOL...the are all very nice, not sure what else I can say...LOL...

  5. Don't think I'll show the boys your blog. They may want to start collecting too!

  6. very exciting.........ds loves them......

  7. I only managed to get a few clean sheds from my ball python due to a huge scar on his side that always caused the skin to rip at the part when he was shedding :/. its so cool how the skins look so different depending on the size of their scales

  8. Amazing! Snake skins I can handle, but the real thing freaks me out! When my son was little, he was picking strawberries with a tiger snake at his feet, we have had a few tigersnakes in the back yard over the years but as we have a water hole in the paddock behind us, its to be expected. They will be just starting to yawn now...
    Thankyou for sharing, my son had to have a closer look!
    Lisa ʚϊɞ

  9. Cool skins, better in jars at your place than as a pair of shoes!

  10. I must say that is an unusual collection , I never knew anyone ever saved them but then again I know very little about snakes ,neat jars.

  11. An amazing collection. When we lived in Cairns when my son was about 6 he came home from school one day with a snake around his neck. I freaked and asked how he knew it was a dead snake. He said "Oh Mum I kicked it first". We kept that snake for a few years but could not bring it back to Sydney with us. He was most disapointed.
    (((HUGS))) Roz.

  12. Now that is an unusual treasure. I have grown to have this irrational fear of snakes, but as a kid I loved taking snakes, spiders, scorpions in jars to school for show and tell.

  13. ewww Amanda you are one crazy girl...but gotta love ya!!!
    Hugs Khris


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