Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tuesday Treasure

Today I have something extra special to show you. Something extremely beautiful and delicate, and not without a tragic love story.
These are Venus Flower Baskets -They are seriously lovely to look at up close. You can see the amazing workmanship and love that has gone into producing such a glass like cocoon.Here's the story, click to see it bigger:If you look close, you can even see the claws left behind by the trapped parent shrimps.Terribly fragile, as I was photographing them, I unluckily had some small shards came off and stick into my hands and arms. So I'll be spending the next hour with tweezers pulling them out. Ouch!


  1. Manda you never cease to amaze me with your treasures, this one is amazing....what a special story.

  2. I know I say it every week, but your treasures are amazing. This is another thing I knew nothing about. I nrediable story too. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. What a great story , how fascinating ! Thankyou so much for sharing this and playing along .

  4. Isn't nature incredible. I love learning about your unique treasures.

  5. Aren't they just lovely.... so very delicate and what a lovely honeymooney place for shrimps to go....

  6. They are gorgeous and what a fantastic story to go with them. Where did you get them from?

  7. Wow Amanda, this is so amazing and so sad too. I've never heard of these before. Thanks again for another super treasure xx

  8. Unbelievable! They are just magnificent. Touching, the price they pay to ensure the safety of their offspring.

  9. How beautiful Manda!
    Thankyou for sharing

  10. cool :) what neat creatures and very pretty looking things

  11. Oh Amanda I nearly thought I would have to close my eyes when I viewed the little thumbnail photo on my sidebar. It thought you were sharing snake skins! EEK! What a surprise to find something so beautiful and interesting! Thank you so much for all that you share. Elizabeth

  12. They are so delicate!

  13. how interesting...and sad in a way, like a little love nest that turns into a jail!

  14. wow this is so cool..........it is a bit like fibroglass with the fragments........I am so coming to your place to visit with my little book worm...........he would love you all treasures......

  15. I have one of these in my collection too!!! so very gorgeous and incredible!

  16. Amazing. Helped a lot to know why Venus flower basket is presented to the newly wed couple in Japan. I was searching for the creatures. Finally I got because of you - GK Bhat, Bangalore, India.

  17. Thanks so much for these pictures! Marvelous! However, the shrimp did not build this sponge skeleton, they were trapped inside the sponge when the sponge's sieve plate covered its osculum.


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