Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Christmas Eve. It's drier today than the last few weeks have been. If you live in QLD, today's the day to head for the beach, this weather won't last!May your Christmas be blessed with family and friends, many smiles, joy and much laughter!
Happy Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas Amanda. I hope you had a great day and didn't eat too much!!! Hugs, Christine

  2. Merry Christmas to you too! And I hope the rain will stop.

  3. Merry Christmas Manda! Hoping you get some relief from all the rain, and you have had a lovely Christmas day!

  4. Merry Christmas and a happy new year........

  5. Clever snow/sand man! Hope you had a wondeful day! Judging by your gifts, I'd say you had lots of fun opening presents. I love your tree and can understand why your cats thought it was fun to play with! ~karen


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