Thursday, March 31, 2011

Owl About Thursday

Just a quick post for Owl About Thursday, to show off some beautiful owls I've received in the mail. I bought them on eBay and Etsy.This bud vase I've been wanting since forever, and was stoked when I found it and the owl statue pictured below on etsy!I love the vintage side of Etsy, don't you!?

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rain Rain, Go Away!!

It's been raining non-stop all week now. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I want it to stop!! I know up north are sick of it too. Honestly, we need a few months of drought!! Although, all this rain is producing some huge toadstools...

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thursday, March 24, 2011

RIP Spike

My Water Dragon, Spike, has passed away. We don't know what's caused it, only that he'd been sick for the past few days. RIP my beautiful little man, we love you and thank you for all the wonderful times you gave us, the scars you've left on my fingers to remember you by, the tears, and the laughter. I'll miss you, so very much!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

11th Kitty Embroidery finished!!

As promised, here's a picture of the 11th kitten in the series.Now I have to find time to start the final number 12!

Also a before:And after shot:of one unhappy shaved K.C. He looks so funny with his little booties!! lol

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011


Well my cousin is doing great, considering that her arm was almost totally ripped off. After 15 hours of surgery, the Doctors think they might've managed to save it. That's if everything heals enough for her to use it before the muscle goes to waste. Lisa will still need many months in hospital, along with a few cosmetic surgeries to patch up her neck and face. But she's alive! And not many people can say they've been bitten by a Great White Shark!!!Thankyou to everyone for their prayers and good thoughts and well wishes. If you can think of her every now and then and sent a little prayer skyward, it will be much appreciated as she's still got a long haul in front of her.

In other news, our cat K.C had to go to the vets. He was bleeding from somewhere behind and wouldn't let us near him. So we caught him and rushed him up to see our vet, David. We left the poor cat there and after a relaxant type drug, David was able to have a look and discovered a puncture wound in between his anus and (empty) ball sack. The skin was peeling away from the area as well as fur but there was nothing to do except top up K.C with several antibiotics and keep an eye on it.
Several days later and the wound had opened right up and was getting bigger. So back we went and David said surgery was the only way to fix it. Poor cat. He got a teeth scraping and an all-over (minus little booties, the tail and face) close shave as well as having the wound stitched up. K.C's all good now, except for the look of pure malice he gives whenever you laugh at the way he looks. I promise a photo as soon as the rain goes!! The stitches are due out on the 28th.

As for crafting, I've got heaps of ideas and have had no time to do anything!! I've almost finished another kitty embroidery (number 11) but that's about it. I promise a picture of that too!
I have been doing a lot of work in the garden, however, with my collection of succulents. Here's my beautiful new Orbea Dummeri in bloom for the first time!!So tell me what have you been up to lately?!?!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Caught red pawed!!While the human's away...

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Owl About Thursday

I've been meaning to show off some more of the owls in my collection, so here we go!

I recently found this little beauty in an oppy for $1.50 total score! He's a Biloela souvenir creamer -This guy I bought at the markets for $2. He was so cheap because he had red stains, but nothing a little cream spray paint couldn't fix -I've had this otagiri owl mug for awhile now. I use him to store pens in. He cost 50 cents -Last for today is this awesome pillow I picked up at Target with 20% off -I love his fuzzy tummy! So do the cats, judging by the amount of kitty fur I keep getting off of him!

I've gotten some wonderful owls from etsy recently, I might do a post on them next Thursday...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What do you call a group of frogs?

An army. And we certainly have the Froggy Armed Forces at our place at the moment! I've found 4 different types of frog I've never seen before, along with the common (but gorgeous!) green tree frogs.
Here's some pics -
Green Tree FrogsOrnate Burrowing FrogSpotted Marsh FrogOrnate Burrowing FrogStriped Marsh FrogOrnate Burrowing FrogSalmon Striped FrogGreen Tree FrogsOrnate Burrowing FrogBroad-Palmed FrogOrnate Burrowing Frog

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


A few random treasures I've hunted down these past few weeks from garage sales and op shops. I finally got around to photographing them!Some porcelain kitties.A cute pair of Avon geese salt and pepper shakers...or are they ducks?One of my favourite things, a vintage Japan stack-able mug!A cute little tiger with googly eyes!This glass mushroom full of sand. I've finally gotten the lid off and the sand out now, so it's a plain glass mushroom!Finally, these two gorgeous brooches. The oval gold and pearl one is actually a locket!

What bargains have you recently found?