Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What do you call a group of frogs?

An army. And we certainly have the Froggy Armed Forces at our place at the moment! I've found 4 different types of frog I've never seen before, along with the common (but gorgeous!) green tree frogs.
Here's some pics -
Green Tree FrogsOrnate Burrowing FrogSpotted Marsh FrogOrnate Burrowing FrogStriped Marsh FrogOrnate Burrowing FrogSalmon Striped FrogGreen Tree FrogsOrnate Burrowing FrogBroad-Palmed FrogOrnate Burrowing Frog


  1. How wonderful, your environment must be very healthy to support all these amazing little creatures. Unfortunately I've never seen a frog at my place, although there was one at a nearby plant nursery a few weeks ago. He was a dear little green frog, and he hopped onto my hand when I offered it to him. I was absolutely thrilled. I left him by an ornamental lake in the nursery grounds.

  2. How lucky are you to have such a gorgeous Army Of Frogs you have at your house.

  3. Great army there... I have only seen the green frogs here.... in the shower.... in the kitchen... in the pond.... happy to have them... but outside please little green soldiers...

  4. Gorgeous little army there!

  5. aww so cute :D
    hmm I haven't actually ever seen a frog here, going to have to keep my eyes open now

  6. Wow, a great collection of frogs, Amanda! The second one - the ornate burrowing frog made me giggle - he is rather comical looking but very cute!

  7. Lovely little collection you have Manda....or should I say army....

  8. oh I lurve me some froggies! so cute, thanks for sharing!


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