Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Sorry I haven't blogged in so long, I caught an extremely bad strain of a bug. I have been so sick! The whole family has had it, but I was hit the worst. Mine started in the middle of the night. I threw up more than 10 times that day, diarrhea like you wouldn't believe! And it's taken me almost a week to start feeling normal again, like my stomach isn't going to fall out. Terrible headaches too, I woke up with the pain of one this morning at 5:30am! Not nice...
I even had to visit the Emergency ward with bucket in hand to get something for the nausea and dehydration. They gave me an IV drip and some drug to stop the pain, but I was there until the wee hours of the morning.
Don't catch it!!!
With things starting to look/feel kind of ok again, I should get back to blogging and crafting soon! I hope...


  1. Sorry to hear your so sick Amandaa, hope your insides start to feel better soon and that nasty bug leaves your system

  2. Sorry to hear you've been so ill. Hope you feel better soon. Hugs,

  3. Oh my, that does not sound fun! I hope you're all better soon. It sounds dreadful.
    Cute pic, though!

  4. Oh Amanda you poor thing!!! I hope you're feeling fit as a fiddle again really soon!! Sending (very gentle) hugs to you ....
    Joy xxx

  5. :( not fun at all :(
    hopefully it stays away and never comes back

  6. Poor Manda....sounds terrible...please take care...

  7. Sorry to hear you're not well Amanda. I hope you're feeling better soon and up and about. hugs, Christine

  8. Awww..get better sweets! There's nothing worse than being sick...whenever it happens to me I feel like it's so hard to muster the energy to do anything fun or creative but I guess that's the body's way of saying it needs rest : ) Big hugs~
    PS I think the dog did belong to the kid as it followed the cop when he carried her off. At least the dog was wise enough to know to stick close to her!

  9. Oh you poor thing , take it easy and get well very soon .

  10. yuck....hope you are better now!


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