Monday, July 16, 2012

Australian Hobby

I was driving past a house, and I see this Hobby aka Little Falcon sitting on a bird aviary. So I go back to take pictures and realize that something is wrong with it. The man who owned the property said it had been hanging around for a few days, and he helps me catch it with a fishing net (simply a matter of putting the net over the bird) so I can take him to a vets.
The vet looks the bird over, says nothing looks wrong with it. We put the bird under some light anesthetic and take some x-rays. Only a previously broken toe on the right foot. We bring him home and make sure he recovers from the anesthetic without complications.
Next morning I open the cage to feed him, and the bird flies out at me and jumps onto my shoulder! I hand fed him until his crop was full, at which point he settled down on my gloved hand and went to sleep.
That night he flew away and we thought that that was the last we'd see of him, but the next day he was back, just a few doors down, sitting on their letterbox. So I went up to him, offered him some food, and he swooped down and landed on my shoulder. Yep, a tame Hobby hawk. Someone had been keeping him illegally.
A few days later, after trying to find someone able to take him, his foot swells up so badly I have to take him back to the vets, where we put the bird under again and opened up a scab on the bottom of his foot to find lots of pus. Infection had set into the bone and bird needed long-term antibiotics.
Long story short, I finally found a licensed raptor carer (I'm not a carer so couldn't permanently keep him until he's recovered) and the Hobby has gone out to live with her and recover properly, at which point we'll see if he's able to be released, or taken into care with a special license and sent to a zoo or wildlife park.
Once I know what's happening with him, I'll do an update!


  1. Good on you for spotting him and giving him the care need, he's so beautiful. I hope he recovers and can be trained to go back into the wild.

  2. What a lovely bird - look at that beautiful face!
    I am so glad you found it and cared for it. Hope everything goes well.

  3. What a lucky bird to have someone like you to care for him! Hope it works out for you and the hawk.

  4. You have such a gawjus heart ... that little fella was lucky you came across him ;o). Looks like he's going to thrive now .... what a fabulous looking bird too :o).
    Joy ;o)

  5. G'day Amanda. That's a lovely post. That little guy was very lucky to have you find him. I hope he recovers and lives a long, happy life. He is just gorgeous. Take care. Liz...

  6. poor little mite! Lucky you found him and was able to rescue him.

  7. What a beautiful bird. So lucky for him that you found him and now he will get the care he needs.

  8. YOU are AWESOME. He is gorgeous!

  9. hopefully he can be realized :D

  10. so glad you were on the scene and took him in. He is lovely and I'm sure will heal nicely. Kudos to you.

  11. Poor lil' guy. Glad someone caring came across him. :) I'd love to hear about updates.


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