Sunday, August 12, 2012

Scooby Doo 2

No one came forward to claim poor little Scooby.
But one of our neighbours fell in love with him and he now has a fantastic new home with her. I love Happy Endings!!

I've been busy lately with study and needy animals, but I hope to get back into blogging soon!


  1. He is such an adorable little chap, so glad you found him a good home. I would have taken him in a heartbeat!
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  2. I am so happy for him! I can't believe no one claimed him, so he is much better off now, I'm sure.

  3. thats great he has a home :D

  4. G'day Amanda. He is just a gorgeous little boy. I am so glad you have found him a good home. Take care. Liz...

  5. what a cutie, I'm sure they will all be happy together!


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