Wednesday, November 28, 2012

10 things making me Smile

1. Fresh flowers. Oh how I love Spring!
2. My new owl bedspread which is light and soft and fluffy.
3. Finding pretty things while walking the dog.
4. Owl solar lights.
5. Making Christmas wreaths for my two best friends and having them received with happiness!
6. Playing with baby birds. These guys are Cockatiels.
7. Browsing Christmas decorations in the shops.
8. Visiting frogs.
9. Finishing a pair of shoes for another friend.
10. and my favourite - A tawny who thinks he's camouflaged! Can you spot him?


  1. LOL!! i love that last pic :D

  2. He looks right at home. :)

  3. The last photograph is amazing and you have an owl. Wow!

  4. I spotted him right away...what a fun post!

  5. I can see you! :)
    Oh my, look at all those owls!!!


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