Friday, November 16, 2012

Tawny Frogmouth

I'm looking after a fledgling tawny frogmouth until he's strong and old enough to be released.
The people I got him from (who finally realized he needed proper care) had hand-raised him a for a few weeks after he had fallen from his nest, so he's quite social and affectionate.
Hopefully we can get him nice and strong and in a few months he'll be ready to take flight and make his own way in the world. Well, in the nature reserve next to our house anyway.


  1. I love frogmouths. Well, from afar there are none where I live. :) What kind of sounds this cutie make?

  2. only seen them in books or on tv, there are very neat looking :)

    good luck to the little guy :)

  3. Wow, another little feathered friend. I love the tawnies. We have them too - they can be quite often seen sitting on our gate at night.

  4. Oh you are so lucky, what a wonderful experience looking after one of these babies! How's Blue?

  5. we don't have these here but I love the way they look...those mouths!!!!!


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