Thursday, January 10, 2013

Meet Schweps

My 2012 Christmas Present!
Schweps is an Eastern Bearded Dragon, a new mate for Pepsi.
He's very social and sweet, beautiful colours, and so much smaller than her. I don't think she minds though. She's the boss now...
Welcome to the family Schweps!


  1. Schleps is very lucky to be part of your family. He is very handsome

  2. Fantastic names! I had a friend who had to back moors (fish) and called them Pepsi and Max!
    Schweps is a handsome looking dude...offspring in their future?

  3. I love these guys. We have one that has taken up residence in our pool enclosure. He has been around since he was a little tyke. He had a few siblings but some of them escaped the fenced area and didn't survive our dogs unfortunately.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  4. awww they are so cute together :D

  5. oooooo, what a happy pair!


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