Friday, January 25, 2013

x-cyclones and such

I'm glad it didn't hit as a full-blown cyclone! Imagine what Oswald could have done then! It's the rain that's driving me crazy. Heavy rainfall for the past few days, over 300mls in the last 24 hours.
Thank God for the SES and Swift Water Rescue Team or we would have had some tragic drownings in the area.
The park in front of our house is flooded and the creek beside it has turned into a raging torrent!
There's trees down everywhere, debris is littering the roads and we have no water due to a broken water main.
Our Driveway
Our front Lawn
Thank goodness the rain has let up! I hope we've had the worst of it. I would hate to have been in Townsville or Mackay over the last few days.


  1. we would love to take some of the water off your hands........but would NOT cope with 300mls in 24 hours........

  2. Sew pleased you are okay...


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