Thursday, August 6, 2009

Check it Out!

I caught a seagull!Well a silver gull to be precise. lol
Count of birds caught so far in my lifetime -
  1. Galah
  2. Crested Pigeon
  3. Australian Raven
  4. Rainbow Lorikeet
  5. Magpie-Lark (Peewee)
  6. Curlew (Bush Thick-Knee)
  7. Feral Pigeon
  8. Common duck
  9. Silver Gull!
Oh, and I've found that colour tile I was looking for! I'm almost totally finished!! Stay tuned...


  1. what did do you do with him after you caught him? did you catch him just to catch him or was it for something specific :)

  2. Oooh what a pretty seagull! There is something special about catching a bird then letting them go...although I have only caught and held my chickens!


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