Friday, August 7, 2009

I think...

...that you all deserve a little something for following and reading my blog!
One of my very own very first embroidery patterns! I have yet to try it out as I really have been so busy with other things, but I'd love for you all to test it for me! If you need a reverse, take it into paint and mirror image it.
Again, a huge thankyou to all of you who read my little corner of blogdom and especially those of you who leave comments! I just love them!


  1. That is lovely , thankyou very much!

  2. this is a sweet design - I imagine it will translate into a pretty piece of embroidery. :)

  3. Thank you Miss Manda! I'm glad you're a part of my crafty world!

  4. That is a incredibly sweet and charming design! I'd love to see a pic when you have embroidered it yourself!


I love getting comments! Thankyou so much for leaving one!!!!