Friday, November 9, 2012


Blue is doing really well. In fact, he's thriving! More feathers are coming out and a lot more fluff has appeared. His throat and crop are still pink skin though.
He's eating like a little champion and since his eyes have opened fully has bonded with me. He's up and about most of the day now, sleeps right through the night and is finding his feet. He sits on me and grooms himself after every meal, as well as a good stretch of the wings, legs and neck.
Yep, he's fast becoming a very vocal and loved member of the family.


  1. I was wondering today how he was getting on. He is going to be a lovely colour.

  2. Is he going to continue to be a member of the family? Since he's bonded to people, could he be released?

    Also, that is one adorable stretch!

  3. i was wondering how loud he was lol looking reall good

  4. I was thinking of you and Blue today, so wonderful he's doing well! He's a cutie!

  5. Ps we've got babies growing in our backyard, i've been watching their progress daily.

  6. G'day Amanda. Isn't he just the cutest? Good on you. Take care. Liz...

  7. so glad you let us catch up with Blue. He is so adorable.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs

  8. aw what a little cutie! So glad that he found himself in such a safe good home with you to help him thrive :)

  9. Thank goodness Blue found you!!! He is rather cute and I just love him. I have hand raised baby galah's etc and they don't forget what you have done for them. Can't wait to see him when his feathers are all out.
    Cheers, Anita.


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