Monday, November 5, 2012


I do love a good op-shop run!! Recently found is this beautiful hand-made quilt wall hanging for my kitchen.
This wonderful already made cross-stitch kitty.
A gorgeous handmade cushion complete with lady beetle button.
And a hand painted owl hanging made from wood.
What have you found lately?


  1. haven't been in an of the charity shops here lately, last time i went was last winter :p but i did fins a cord winter coat for £10 and it didn't even look like it had been worn

  2. I just love the kitchen/cow wallhanging....good find. How is you little pal, Blue, coming along?
    ps...I have tagged you in a game of blog tag. Go to my blog to read about it. No pressure - if you don't want to play along, no worries. Just a bit of fun.
    Cath @ Bits 'n Bobs


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