Something starting with "
So here's an
Elapid I caught in the garage the other night. A Red-Naped Snake, to be exact.

They look like baby brown snakes, so don't go picking one up unless you're certain!
Click here to go learn more about them.

Note these guys are venomous but are considered not dangerous to humans. In fact, they're really quite sweet!
A snake quiet sweet, oh I don't think so.
Only you could put 'snake' and 'sweet' in the same sentence! xx
Now that would freak me out!lol!
I agree, snake and sweet don't go together.......snakes are best observed from at least 10 feet or MORE!!!!!!! Cyndi
E for eewwwwwwwwwwwww
yukky yukky snakes....ewwwwwwww
Hugs Khris
pretty too...the name fits :-)
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