Buying dog food involves a trip to Big W, as they seem to have the
cheapest Pedigree tins, which are Sasha and Jake's favourite.
While in Big W I like to have a shop around for any bargains they might have, and the other week came across (among a few other things) this tin full of chocolate chip cookies. Well, I'm not interested in the cookies, but how
gorgeous is the tin??

At only AU$5.00 it's a bargain (I ended up with another 2, both different designs, for my parents) and it now sits on my
TV cabinet. Filled with all my embroidery equipment and a few on-going projects, it's now so easy to find
everything I need exactly when I want it!
Speaking of which, where do you keep your fabric,
scissors, needles and embroidery threads and equipment?
i keep my sewing supplies inside danish butter cookie tins!
I'm the wrong person to ask that . I'm having a huuuuge cleanup at the moment and then I'll be able to find things , I hope .
wonderful find!
my crochet hooks live in a small hello kitty pencil box (that was a happy meal prize, believe it or not), fabric on a shelf of a bookcase - one shelf below eye level (I don't have hundreds of pounds, so it works for now and I can see all the choices), embroidery thread have a home in a plastic box that's sectioned (by color) and scissors? well, they live ALL over the house, but my favorite pair live in a small makeup bag along with my sharpies & a glue stick. :)
Hi There - thanks for entering my giveaway! i had to pop by and tell you that your comment about your love of animals made me have a big giggle :-) thanks!
My boyfriend works at Big W...he hates stacking all the heavy dog food bags! hehe
I like those tins you found, I might have to go check it out!
I keep all my embroidery threads in a tin too...a cupcake tin actually! I'll have to take a pic and blog about it some time! :)
Hi there- thanks for passing by my blog
I will definitely consider larger sizes for the cozies:)
Oh so gorgeous Manda!
I love keeping my stuff in anything cute that can be carted/ baskets or tins...
Hey Manda :D Thanks for coming by my blog and entering! I call my blog Koala Fuzz, because I'm really in love with koalas (Australia is my dream vacation spot) and the thought of snuggling down into their furry fur makes me happy :D
Hi Manda! Thanks for visiting my blog! I actually have a sewing room that has gone through "phase I" reorganization...not that this really MEANS anything! :) I am still in sewing room envy shock from a blog I visited was if I can only remember which one! Anyway, she had a cool magnetic knife strip from IKEA that held all of her scissors! That is what I will be ordering soon! :) Your felt fruit is very pretty and the tutorial!
Isn't it lovely. I love storing all sorts of crafty things in tins. The perfect storage solution.
Ive just been having a look around your blog and saw that you bought the tin from Big W...thats so funny because I bought a beautiful musical tin from big W too only a couple of months ago! only $2.50 woot!
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