My beautiful dog Jake passed away this afternoon.
We're not sure exactly why, as one minute he was fine, the next he was shaking uncontrollably and walking around in circles, staring at something only he could see. We rushed him to the vets, and after an hour of watching him get worse, they finally told us it was probably a back injury and to take him home. They gave us some anti-inflammatories and that was it. So after a night of constant worry and no sleep (for Jake or us) and a morning of worry and watching him trip over and run into things and another 2 vet trips with the same answer, we took him to a different vet to get a second opinion. He collapsed on the way out to the car, and couldn't breathe properly, and his teeth started to chatter. The vet rushed out the doors when we arrived and helped us get him from the car. He watched him walk around in a circle and then fall over backwards, and his eyes roll in his head. He ordered a stretcher and took him straight into the theater and onto a table. They took some spinal fluid and blood, but as we rushed it to the airport to be flown to Brisbane, they called to let us know that he'd died.
Thankfully, Jake was given a drug to make him sleep, and we were able to say goodbye before we left. He passed away in his sleep, dreaming good and happy dreams.
We had him for 10 fantastic and wonderful years!
Rest in peace my darling! Thank you for the laughs, the walks, the wet kisses and the constant company. Thank you for the good times and the bad, the mischief you made and the hugs you gave. Thank you for being there when I needed a friend, and for always listening, no matter how silly I must have sounded. Thank you Jake, for being a good dog. We will miss you always!Give your animal an extra hug tonight, as you never know when you might have to say goodbye.
Edited to add:The test results came back. Turns out Jake picked up a very rare condition called
Angiostrongylus cantonensis, or Rat Lungworm. He contracted eosinophilic menengitis from it. There was nothing we could do, and even if the vet had realized what it was and put him on meds straight away, there was only a slight chance he could make it and even then with side effects. I've included a link in case anyone is interested.
Thankyou for all your kind and supportive comments. They mean so much to me! I shall get through, and the fun times he has given me to remember will last a lifetime.